Wednesday, September 15, 2010


No reason, no calamity, my mind just felt comfortable there. Maybe watch it long enough and it'll change, like a cloud.

Dear Brad,

My six-year-old piano student Arden made me feel like I was in Chicken Soup for the Soul today. She used like the ultimate kids-say-the-clichest-things-to-warm-teachers' hearts cliche, but let me tell you how it just about opened up my chest like a blossom, did that cliche. We usually take a 1/2 hour piano lesson at 6.30, and I swear to god, she touches a key and I look up and the clock says 7.01. I'm always surprised, and I guess so is she, cause today she said earnestly,"when you're having fun, it feels like time goes by in a minute--no, in a second!" I mean, Jesus. Okay. I'll just feel good then. I guess it's that easy after all. Plus, I get paid? What?

I've always hated the idea of teaching, but maybe it is actually rad. I'll have to do a little more research and then get back to you with a complete analysis of American education. Hey be careful, the edge of your seat looks pretty steep, there.

Yeah. Tin Haus was hilarious today too. Someone e-mailed us with the following query:

"I am confined to a Lunatic Asylum[sic]. Most of our time is restricted by the arbitrary rules of the staff. We are allowed a 1/2 hour to use e-mail and to write on the computer a 1/2 hour a day. It took me a year to finish my story. Our mail privileges are severely limited. Might I be able to submit via e-mail?"

ignored it. If you have an idea of how to respond, let me know. I would LOVE to tell you some of the hilarious names we also get, but what if they googled themselves and came across their names here and were humiliated, here of all places? Here and were should rhyme, you know? I feel that complaint is nearly a cliche as well.

I just got a really intense phone call, so now I will stop and go to sleep. I hope the day has treated you kindly.


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