Monday, September 13, 2010

La la la gonna do drugs tomorrow oh what?


Dear Brad,

what is your most destructive habit? I pull off all the skin around my fingernails. It's disgusting. It feels great.

What was your favorite part of the drive down to LA?

Wait a minute. I think I know that Korean Plaza. Are you living near the Ethical Drugs Store?

I've always been curious about it.

Oh yeah, I nearly forgot: one place I need you to drive past just as soon as you humanly can is 3rd Street and Rossmore. It's called Youngwood Court. It's pretty close to you. Don't google it before you go...just go.

Today was a wash. A lot of music. The kids next door had a lemonade stand and when they saw me they chanted as one: "HI ARIANA" and my god did that feel good. I bought a brownie (they were selling two for $.25!) and a lemonade and told 'em to keep the change. They're terribly cute. In the New York Times today, there was an article saying that the hierarchy of maturity had changed. "Self-actualization" is no longer at the top of the pyramid. It's "parenting" now. Well, shit, I thought. Since I definitely might be paraphrasing incorrectly, here's the whole article.

This will be a short letter, but it needs a punch. D.H. Lawrence was born on September 11th! Man, there is no way that is not old news in every single way. Miss. FAILURE.

Also, Ten Rules For Writing Fiction. God, we are so young still.


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