Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our 'E' on a lean arse key,

I like personal prayer. It's like meditation. It grounds you and focuses you. I used to feel uncomfortable if I ever had to say grace or participate in some kind of group prayer though. I just couldn't always get on board with everything someone else was praying about. And I didn't like saying "Lord" and "God" all the time. "Lord" and "God" as words are very distracting.

"Dear Lord our God, we pray that you give Jason a good interview tomorrow Lord God, we pray Lord that you help Mona find her car keys God, and God we pray that you bring Party Down back on the air God our Lord God God God Lord..."

I like the idea of praying and acknowledging one's smallness though.

I like your video too. Didn't think it was EMO! I wanted a video of Elmo watching me watch your video so I could write "META! META! META! ELMO! ELMO! ELMO!"

I don't like Zinnia. Or maybe I should say I don't like her video. But I don't think I would like her either. I hope she does a lot of beautiful things in the other areas of her life and proves me wrong.

I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU POSTED ICP. Now we're just another corner of the internet.

Let's see...improv. I told you about the jam on Tuesday already, right? So now I am talking about my friend's show on Thursday? It was fun! There were four groups doing variations on a Harold format. It was at a church. I had a piece of Lacy's birthday cake. I don't know her, but I have celebrated her birth by ingesting flour and frosting and sugar. A couple groups were really good, a couple were pretty bad. Both made me want to perform though. I got to meet a lot of nice people too. Maybe didn't actually interact with them much. Sort of missing human interactions...getting a little lost in my own world last few days. Apparently speaking in fragments as well.

My place is really close to the Koreatown Plaza Mall. There's a big Korean supermarket on the bottom floor, which is pretty cool, and an International Food Court. It's interesting being a minority for once. Or I guess I was kind of a minority where I was living in Chicago too. I can't help but think how hard it would be to actually relate to anyone around me though, especially when they're not speaking English. But I don't like that feeling, I like the YAY WE'RE ALL HUMAN feeling. I feel kind of like I'm existing outside of my environment.

I got the weirdest sensation that it was raining just now, but it CAN'T BE.

I think I have to go. And I didn't even include any amusing media files. SAD FACE.



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